Fact Sheets
The "JDS3 Fact Sheets" are a series of eight publications of approximately three to four pages each, the fact sheets provide in-depth information on specific topics or aspects of JDS3. While the "JDS 3 Flyer" provides an overview on JDS3 for the general public, the fact sheets target an audience with a deeper, more technical interest.
Fact Sheet 1 is on the scientific objectives of JDS3; Fact Sheet 2 explains how JDS3 is embedded into the legal environment created by the EU Water Framework Directive and the River Basin Management in the Danube Basin; Fact Sheets 3, 4, 5 and 6 are dedicated to the four "Significant Water Management Issues" (organic, nutriend and hazardous substance pollution as well as hydromorphological alterations); Fact Sheet 7 explains how the ICPDR and its contracting parties work on monitoring, assessment and other "metering" exercises at and around the Danube; and Fact Sheet 8 looks at JDS history and how other regions in the world have modelled research expeditions after the Joint Danube Surveys.
Fact Sheet 1 (76.21 KB) Scientific objectives of the Joint Danube Survey 3.
Fact Sheet 2 (60.19 KB) JDS3 and the EU Water Framework Directive.
Fact Sheet 3 (60.23 KB) SWMI 1/4: Organic Pollution
Fact Sheet 4 (59.83 KB) SWMI 2/4: Nutrient Pollution
Fact Sheet 5 (59.22 KB) SWMI 3/4: Hazardous Substances Pollution
Fact Sheet 6 (65.64 KB) SWMI 4/4: Hydromorphological Alterations
Fact Sheet 7 (59.87 KB) "Watching the Danube" beyond the JDS
Fact Sheet 8 (60.88 KB) Surveys for the Danube, Danube Delta & southern Africa
Sand Martin and Little Ringed Plover: Indicators for River Dynamics (627.52 KB) Breeding pair monitoring results, provided through a cooperation with the Danubeparks network.