
Press Releases

Here you find "press releases" for JDS3 in the order of their launching date.

News Blog: Updates on recent developments

The "news" section is updated frequently, especially from the launch of the JDS3 on 13 August.


All contact details of international and national coordinators are given in the "contact" section. For international enquiries, contact Benedikt Mandl at the ICPDR Secretariat; for national enquiries in specific countries, contact the national coordinators or

Press Conferences

As part of all public events in the Danube countries, press conferences are held in all riparian countries. In the "events" section, you find up-to-date information on where and when they will take place and what to expect there.


All pictures contained in our "photo" section can be used for reporting on JDS3. Most of them can be provided in high-resolution. If you need these pictures in high resolution or other photographs, contact Benedikt Mandl at the ICPDR Secretariat (

Information on JDS3

In the "about" section you find the flyer with a short summary of what JDS3 is and how it is done. For in-depth information on the Danube River and the pressures it faces, take a look at our topical fact sheets.

International Media Contact

Further questions? Then just contact the ICPDR Secretariat in Vienna:

ICPDR Secretariat
Wagramerstr. 5
A-1220 Vienna
Phone: +(43 1) 26060 5738
Fax: +(43 1) 26060 5895