Momir Paunovic
What did you study, when, where and most importantly: why?
I get my diploma degree of Biology at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology in 1995. At same Faculty I get MSc (2001) and PhD (2007) diploma in Hydrobiology and Integrative Ecology. From the beginning of my professional work, I have been dealing with the ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates of running and standing waters, feeding of benthivorous fish species and non-indigenous aquatic species.
What will your role be on board of the JDS3 ships?
I will be responsible for cross-section macroinvertebrate sampling, preparation of samples, collection of crayfish, and collection of information on invasive alien taxa. As deputy team leader, I will also help in organising on-site investigations.
Why is this important? What can we learn?
By having detailed information on aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa, we will be able to expand the taxalist for the Danube, to improve our knowledge on the Danube ecosystems, and to compare the water status with data from previous surveys.
What is an important gain from JDS3 specifically for your country of origin?
JDS expeditions are recognised in Serbia as specific, highly professional investigations that can be used for improving the national monitoring practices. Moreover, the data is used for comparison of national monitoring results, as well as for preparation of our national River Basin Management Plan. Rising public awareness is also one of the benefits from JDS.
What are you looking forward to regarding the JDS3?
JDS3 will be huge experience and responsibility for all of us. Furthermore, each time I learn more about the functioning of the Danube and without actually feeling this nice huge river, which can be met only during such kind of surveys, it is not possible to describe the system.
Profile Momir Paunovic (131.22 KB)