JDS3 Results
The Joint Danube Survey pursued three main objectives:
- To collect information on parameters not covered in the ongoing monitoring
- To have data that is readily comparable for the entire river because it comes from a single source
- To promote the work of the ICPDR and raise awareness for water management
For six weeks between 13 August and 26 September 2013, the JDS3 ships travelled 2,375 km downstream the Danube River, through 10 countries, to the Danube Delta. An international Core Team of 20 scientists was responsible for sampling, sample processing, on-board analyses and all survey activities.
Leading laboratories across Europe carried out chemical analyses. Corporate partners, such as the Coca-Cola System and Donauchemie, supported the JDS3 through financial contributions and by sharing their knowledge about water management from a private sector perspective. Public events ensured that everybody could get involved with JDS3.
The JDS3 provided the largest volume of knowledge about the Danube River Basin ever collected through a single scientific exercise. Overall, the results of the three interrelated JDS3 assessments again confirmed that cooperation in the Danube River Basin continues to reap rewards. The waters and life within them are progressively becoming healthier and safer for all. However, some problems still require measures to solve them.
The findings of JDS3 can be downloaded below. The so-called "Full Reports" with original data as contained on a DVD complementary with the Full Scientific Report can be provided upon request.
JDS3 Final Scientific Report (45.15 MB)
Joint Danube Survey 3. A Comprehensive Analysis of Danube Water Quality. ISBN: 978-3-200-03795-3 -
JDS3 Overview Map (4.27 MB)
Sampling sites of the Joint Danube Survey 3. -
Joint Danube Survey 3 - Public Report (5.57 MB)
Joint Danube Survey 3 - What the river told us -
Summary Report on Radioactivity (708.35 KB)
Results of the JDS3 survey on radioactivity -
Full Report 3 - Hydromorphology (85.76 MB)
The long report on Hydromorphology chapter contains additional information of type specific reference conditions for all main hydromorphological parameters as well as assessment class boundaries of each of them. Also there is a detail description of the assessment of hydromorphological alteration using WFD method applied on 10 km Danube sections. -
Full Report 5 - Macroinvertebrates (2.87 MB)
There are two reports/documents on the attached CD. One of them contains draft evaluation of the results of Kick & Sweep Sampling (K&S) sampling in the wadeable zone and the deep water sampling (along the five locations per cross section) in order to show a rough insight in the tremendous dataset. The other document is a long report on Macrozoobenthos chapter and contains additional information of all relevant metrics for the Slovak method for each river type and benchmarks, more detail data analysis per section type and reach with a comprehensive splitting into all substrate types with detail information about the indicator taxa, etc. -
Full Report 5 - Macroinvertebrate sampling methods – shallow and deep waters in the Danube (1.14 MB)
Preliminary impressions about some macroinvertebrate sampling methods – shallow and deep waters in the Danube. -
Full Report 6 - Phytobenthos (989.22 KB)
The long report on Phytobenthos chapter contains detailed description of the used methods. Also there is an information about the species composition of diatoms and non-diatoms and their relationship with the environment and different correlation coefficients between diatom indices, diatom guilds, diatom life-forms, chl-a biomass of green algae, diatom life-forms and hydromorphological variables, etc. -
Full Report 7 - Macrophytes (4.38 MB)
The long report on Macrophytes chapter contains detail description of used methodologies and data analysis. Also there is information about species composition in the Danube River sections and in the main tributaries and comparison of the Danube River sections based on different analyses (Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling, SIMPER analysis). -
Full Report 9 - Fish (26.47 MB)
Additional information on fish contains standardised reports on fish sampling results for each sampling site, including the most important parameters as well as a table showing all the species and the number of specimens detected at each site. -
Full Report 11 - Zooplankton (1.06 MB)
The long report on Zooplankton chapter contains additional information of composition of the zooplankton community as well as distribution of the abundance maximum of the species in the lateral profile. -
Full Report 17 - General physico-chemical determinands and nutrients (2.22 MB)
The long report on General physico-chemical determinands and nutrients chapter contains detail description of used methods for pre-treatment and analysis of nutrients and major ions as well as detail description of the spatial distribution of the physico-chemical parameters and nutrients. -
Full Report 18 - Quality and quantity of dissolved organic matter (1.21 MB)
The long report on Quality and quantity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) chapter contains description of DOM related fluorescence peaks and fluorescence signals of organic pollutionimpacted tributaries as compared to Danube sites as well as differences in DOM parameters in the four Danube sections. -
Full Report 23 - Spatial and temporal trends of Dioxins, PCBs and BDE-209 in Suspended matter and fish, JDS 3 versus JDS 2 (1.5 MB)
The long report on this chapter contains detailed description of the methodology, including results for all compounds and each individual site. -
Full Report 24 - Organophosphorous Compounds (OPCs) in surface waters of the Danube and selected tributaries (2.27 MB)
The long report on this chapter contains detailed description of the methodology, including results for all compounds and each individual site. -
Full Report 26 - Chemical and immunochemical analysis of anthropogenic markers and organic contaminants (818.33 KB)
The long report on this chapter contains a detail list of compounds analysed with LC-MS/MS. -
Full Report 27 - Large volume sampling and effect-based screening (739.38 KB)
The long report on this chapter contains additional information of classification of bioanalytical results and list of compounds not detected in LVSPE samples. -
Full Report 30 - Non-target screening of organic pollutants (7.58 MB)
The long report on this chapter contains detailed information on the occurrence and concentrations of detected compounds per sampling site as well as the occurrence of all features (PCDL match compounds, unknowns, total unknowns) determined by the MPP. Also there is additional information on pollution profiles by individual substances and discussion on the exceedance of available ecotoxicity threshold values (PNECs). -
Sampling Site Fact sheets (36.5 MB)
JDS3 Sampling Site Fact Sheets